Visit us at the Intergeo 2022 in Essen, Germany. Our experts for the products Scantra and Systra look forward to your vi…
zum ArtikelSystra is an adjustment program for the geometrical integration of heterogeneous GIS data by interconnected transformation and homogenization.
The adjustment algorithm processes beside the coordinates to be transformed also geometrical constraints and geodetic measurements. The calculation kernel Systra which also gives the name to the program system is complemented with different modules with graphical user interface.
SystraShell - Project Administration
Systra - Adjustment Kernel
SysPlan - Graphical Analysis
SysMatch - Matching
SysGed - Graphical Editor
Visit us at the Intergeo 2022 in Essen, Germany. Our experts for the products Scantra and Systra look forward to your vi…
zum ArtikelThe Systra Servicepack December 2021 with many enhancements and new functions is available.
Please feel free to read th…
zum ArtikelVisit us at Intergeo 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany. Our Software experts for the products Systra and Scantra look forward t…
zum Artikel