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Dealer network

Scantra can also be purchased through our sales partners in addition to our own sales channel. These are listed below, sorted by country.

CountryDistribution partnerSoftware versionPrimary hardware
AustraliaAptellaScantra under Z+F LaserControl & Scantra stand aloneZoller + Fröhlich
BelgiumMEET TechnicsScantra stand aloneFaro Technologies
FrancePositicsScantra under Z+F LaserControl & Scantra stand aloneZoller + Fröhlich
GermanyLaserscanning Europe GmbHScantra stand aloneFaro Technologies
 Limess Messtechnik & Software GmbHScantra stand aloneSurphaser
 Scandric GmbHScantra under Z+F LaserControl & Scantra stand aloneZoller + Fröhlich
 Zoller + Fröhlich GmbHScantra under Z+F LaserControlZoller + Fröhlich