Non-linear calculation
External loads generation
Precise material laws with finite triangular membrane element with warp/weft-stiffness including transverse extension and shear stiffness e.g. for foils
Simplified material laws for orthotropic fabrics described by warp/weft-stiffness
Membrane-specific visualisation of stress and force
Result analysis with reports
Contour lines
Slope lines for a fast drainage dimensioning
Forcefinding for pre-stress optimisation
Additionally, given the large amount of data required to model all lightweight structure models, the graphical representation of the deformation, force and stress results must be able to be easily controlled to highlight the relevant data. The right picture shows a membrane structure with 63 partial areas and an extension of 360m x 150m.
Easy offers the possibility to generate the external loads as area loads, line loads, point loads and temperature loads. Load zones can be defined as required and individual load cases can be combined and calculated as load combinations.
Wind loads can be generated automatically via the digital wind tunnel Easy.Dwt.
The presentation of the results is performed by a Report Generator.
Easy supports precise material laws with finite triangular membrane elements with warp/weft stiffness including transverse extension and shear stiffness e.g. for foils and also simplified material description for orthotropic fabrics by warp/weft stiffness, where non-linear material behaviour can be considered.
A comparison of shear stresses and principal stresses in the membrane at the same snow load: Left with warp in the direction of the greatest surface curvature, right turned by 45°.
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